Sunday Tea – 12/4/2022

by Molly Dittmann
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Sunday Tea – 12/4/2022

We canceled plans today because our babies needed us. It was disappointing because Ben and I were looking forward to a couple hours out of the house. I spent the day doing laundry instead of our afternoon out. And although it wasn’t as much fun as the concert we were going to go to, I couldn’t help but think ‘we’re actually pretty lucky such important reasons so cancel plans.’

While sorting, folding, and putting away clothes, I listened to The Holderness Family Podcast: Holiday Marriage Contract. They talked about spending time with your partner going into the holiday season to talk about what you need. They then encourage you to take a step further and discuss who is going to do what as you prepare for the holidays. After John fell asleep, Ben and I had a really honest and meaningful conversation about what we like, don’t like, and need during the holiday season. We’re excited to try harder to support each other this month!

Headed to Hometown Holiday Adventure

One of the things Ben and I both identified as something we love about the holidays is the events and activities we can do as a family. We had a wonderful time this weekend with the Hometown Holiday Adventure and the Beaver Dam Holiday Parade. We loved watching John’s face light up during the parade. And Ella’s head was on a swivel looking at the lights until she went into Nancy Zieman’s Sewing Studio to escape the cold. We decided that it’s important to us to reserve time this month to enjoy more holiday activities as a family. So, we’re looking forward to finishing decorating the tree, making cookies, and evening walks through Swan Park.

We also discussed traditions we’d like to share with our children. Our conversation landed on Christmas food. We love the idea of cozy soups Christmas Eve, brunch with pancakes Christmas morning, and homemade pizzas for Christmas Dinner. It feels unique and special and like us. Plus we have way too many Butter Braids from fundraisers that we need to use up!

Elliana had fun playing with Christmas lights and John helped place the star at the top of the tree. We’ve been watching Christmas movies and John loves to shout “Happy Merry Christmas!” We are enjoying seeing this holiday season unfold through the eyes of our babies.

We are home from looking at Christmas lights (we could hear John in the back saying “wow!” as we drove by houses). Everyone is snuggled up with blankets and Ben and John are watching a movie. Baby girl is eating. And I am enjoying a treat from Blackbird Bakery and sipping my Sunday Tea.

Our Favorites This Week:

Recipe: Potato Soup
Event/Activity: Hometown Adventure and Holiday Parade
Book: Don’t Call Me Moana by Nina Macheel
Game: Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game
Tea: Earth Mama Organics 100% Organic Milkmaid Tea with cranberry juice and honey
Quote: “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” ~ John Steinbeck

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